Cleaning Out The Attic

November 27th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Every few months, I clean out the digital attic
and purge old, tired content sources.

I read quite a bit daily (usually at the crack of dawn and late at night), so curating my digital sources keeps me from going insane. I’ve added a few new online sources of information, including some sources of personal design and blogging inspiration, plus a few new sources of industry and professional information.

Here are a few new additions to the blogroll.

From the business side:

Bijan Sabet
Bill Gurley
Anthony Tjan
Venture Hacks

From the design side:

Design Milk
Ministry of Type

I’ll probably add a few more in the coming days.

Convos | New Section Added

August 21st, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

I’m still testing out a few more tumblelog-like site features.

One is a pretty basic feed of current social conversations. Right now, this has my twitter feed (with pretty lame styling), but I’m hoping to add in Google+ at some point soon and improve the general look and feel.

The Growing Threat of Malware

July 28th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Malware and attacks on non-PC devices will only continue to increase, particularly as devices get smarter and more complex with browsers and app stores.

Rip Empson:

Larger malware networks have begun swallowing smaller malware entities, and they’re now serving up their web landmines at astonishing rates. Apple even seems to have reached the tipping point, with enough market share that malware networks have begun targeting Apple OSes. It’s not quite the “explosion of malware on Macs” many forecasted, but it’s still a much larger problem than it was a year ago. And it’s not just desktops and laptops that are affected, malware has gone mobile, too. Android appears to becoming more vulnerable, as security firm, Kaspersky Lab, identified 70 different malware on Google’s mobile OS in March.

Some device manufacturers are better positioned to manage security issues like these than others.

Burdseed 2.0

July 13th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

This is Burdseed 2.0.

Burdseed 1.0 was my tumblog, which I’ve abandoned in favor of this longer, more flexible, more lasting format. I plan to continue to use Twitter and Google+ for news and business conversations and will continue to use Facebook for family, friend, and classmate stuff. But I’m moving away from Posterous and Tumblr. Consider them a casualty of the rise of Google+.

As a result of business and family commitments, it’s been a while since I’ve sat down and written in longer form. Now that my current startup project has emerged out of stealth mode, I hope to write one or two posts a week on a number of topics that seem a bit underserved in the blogosphere, interest me, or relate to my current professional activities.

Mostly that will mean riffing about things that are happening in the areas of social TV, smart TV, digital media, and the connected home. Plus, strategy, business building, and change issues related to these areas and observations about products, deals, and M&A.

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