Shaped Brick Wall By Henry Moore

November 27th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Great photo of the wall sculpture by British artist
Henry Moore at the Bouwcentrum in Rotterdam.

Exposed brick wall by Henry Moore

Photo by Reinier de Jong

I’m very fond of exposed brick and studied in Rotterdam; hence, it’s appeal.

Cleaning Out The Attic

November 27th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Every few months, I clean out the digital attic
and purge old, tired content sources.

I read quite a bit daily (usually at the crack of dawn and late at night), so curating my digital sources keeps me from going insane. I’ve added a few new online sources of information, including some sources of personal design and blogging inspiration, plus a few new sources of industry and professional information.

Here are a few new additions to the blogroll.

From the business side:

Bijan Sabet
Bill Gurley
Anthony Tjan
Venture Hacks

From the design side:

Design Milk
Ministry of Type

I’ll probably add a few more in the coming days.

POTD | 10 Years of Blogging

November 27th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Om Malik provides a nice perspective on a decade of blogging.

I’ve been tied up with a bunch of family activity and work-related stuff, but his post inspired me to recommit to posting at burdseed again.

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